A medal binge at Orion


Across the river we go for a test against the other sabre fencers in town. Things went well.

Here are the OFA medalists and high finishers.

Y10XS: Alex P, GOLD; Mukul S, SILVER.
Y12WS: Sophia S, GOLD; Rayaana G, BRONZE.
Y12MS: Hyder C, GOLD; Alex P, BRONZE.
Y14WS: Byronie M, GOLD; Sophia P, BRONZE; Sophia S, BRONZE.
Y14MS: Hyder C, 8.

Full results are here: https://www.fencingtimelive.com/…/9C80F7EDBF9A4E9397B16FFED…

Congratulations to all of our fine fencers. Your dedication and hard work pays off.